How to Look Sexy Wearing a Kilt on a First Date

For all you kilt wearers out there surviving the dating scene, wearing a kilt on a first date might seem like a big no-no. Even if you wanted to wear your favorite utility kilt, you’re probably too worried about scaring them off too soon, so you end up wearing one of your regular blue jeans. It’s probably too taboo for them. They’ll think I’m weird. I’ll just get stood up. If you’re a true fan of kilts for men, it’s only a matter of time until they find out about your kilty pleasure. You shouldn’t be ashamed to wear mens kilts , regardless if it’s the first, third or ninety-second date. Plus, if they think wearing a kilt is weird, this person is probably not the right match for you anyways! As a matter of fact, most people think the exact opposite about men in kilts. From viral kilted yogis to Outlander’s Scottish McDreamy, USA kilts for men are gaining a lot of attention for simply making men look sexy AF. They’re not only intriguing to look at, but it also gets the i...