We Know What Men Actually Wear Under the Kilt

The age-old question about kilts for men has always been: What do men wear under kilts? There’s a saying that a “true Scotsman” doesn’t wear anything underneath his kilt, but this saying has been around probably just as long as kilts have been around. The very first Scottish men in kilts used to wear traditional kilts commando because it was part of the military dress. However, this tradition soon faded as it just wasn’t practical for both hygienic and combat purposes. So now people are left to wonder how often this butt-baring tradition is actually celebrated or if it’s just a humorous saying. Luckily, research by YouGov finally put our minds at ease by releasing a poll asking Scottish men what they wear underneath their kilts for men. There’s really not much to choose from when you’re deciding what to wear under a traditional or modern kilt. You’re basically choosing from three basic categories that consist of shorts/other, underwear, or nothing. Here’s what ...