Why Men Look Hotter in Kilts

When it comes to the idea of fashion for men that looks very sexy and inviting most people will jump to underwear or tank-tops. However, one article of clothing that works wonders in making a man unique and inviting is the kilt. Think about it, you can't wear underwear in public - that only does its magic in the bedroom. The kilt is a public alternative that makes men look absolutely sexy and this article will cover a few of the reasons that make kilts the perfect piece of apparel for the sexy man.

1. Most Wearers of Kilts Will Follow This Rule:
Now, most people will argue that wearing underwear is up to the individual, but if you want to do it right or like a traditional Scot, you will leave the underwear at home. Now not everyone is for this idea, many might prefer to keep their junk in place. Although, even if you never know, the thought alone would make a man certainly have more sex appeal. Just think about it, if someone has the knowledge of this rule they might try sneaking a peak - whether this makes you uncomfortable is totally up to you as the wearer.
2. Kilts are Different: Different means Sexy:
 Here's a common fact to anything - you notice what stands out. Just like that, you also remember what stands out. Picture this, if you visualize an entire line of guys wearing similar or the same outfits and one has a kilt, who do you notice first? My guess would be the dude in the kilt unless you hate my example. If you mix that with a stand-up personality you have the perfect formula for standing out and catching someone's attention. Here's a golden principle to follow with this rule: to be sexy, you first have to be noticed. The thought does not precede the introduction.
3.  Kilts + Dance Floor = The Perfect Match:
 Visualize this: you are on the dance floor breaking it down, your kilt is swaying all over the place and everybody on the dance floor is loving it. Typically, his kind of fabric involvement in dance only comes from a skirt on a girl, but dudes can be just as involved with this concept. Simply don a kilt and break it down, because the kilt will bring a definition to your dance moves like none other. Plus, for those of you that like grinding, if they aren't wearing underwear under the kilt, do the math, it has very tremendous amounts of sex appeal.
To Conclude:
 Men simply can and do look sexy wearing a kilt. You don't have to see kilts as something that is taboo and uncommon, see them as a means to stand out and be unique among the crowd, and don't hesitate to add some kilt accessories to spice up your kilt game. Kilts are the perfect solution to a night out, a day on the town, and a modern and more involved approach to fashion. The next time you want to woo a man or woman, wear a kilt and don't forget why this article makes you sexy.


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