Everything You Need to Know about Kilt Accessories

Aside from people wondering what men really wear under kilts, a lot of men also question what to wear with a traditional kilt. You’ve probably sifted through hundreds of kilt outfits on Google and felt overwhelmed by all the bells and whistles that go with wearing a kilt. In reality, you shouldn’t feel defeated by kilt accessories. They’re really not that complicated. Once you understand the basics, it’s going to feel like a breeze putting together or buying your next kilt outfit.

We’ve broken down some of the most essential kilt accessories so you can get a clear idea of what they’re for and how to wear them. These are by no means the accessories that you need to feel obligated to wear, but it does help to dress up a kilt and give it personality.

1.     Kilt Bags (Sporrans)

You might’ve heard the term “sporran” before. This is the technical term for describing the pouch that’s paired with kilts. Unlike today’s utility kilts, traditional Irish and Scottish kilts weren’t made with pockets. (This is also one of the major differences between modern utility kilts and traditional kilts.) As a result, men wore these small pouches placed on a belt that rested in front of their groin.

Looking back on the history of kilts, men used to use sporrans to keep small personal belongings from bullets to food. It was used for practical reasons, as opposed to wearing kilt accessories for simply looking trendy. Today’s sporrans can also be used to keep personal belongings, like car keys, but today’s kilt wearers take great pride in their kilts. A good-quality sporran can run you a couple hundred dollars so you might not want to throw just anything in them in order to keep them in mint condition.

2.     Kilt Belts (Sporran Straps)

As mentioned above, sporrans need belts in order to be worn at all with a kilt. Also known as sporran straps, usually these belts are made from brown or black leather in a simple design. Depending on the manufacturer, the belt buckle could have an intricate design or the belt itself could have leather engravings.

Also remember, just because you’re wearing a kilt doesn’t mean you absolutely must wear a sporran. It really depends on where you’ll be wearing your kilt. For instance, you might want to wear a sporran at a wedding, but it’s acceptable to ditch the sporran if you’re playing in the Highland Games.

3.     Kilt Jewelry

Kilt jewelry is just another fancy term for kilt accessories that, well, look fancy. Among kilt jewelry, you’ll usually comes across kilt pins and knives.

With kilt pins or crest badges, they say it’s a matter of personal choice when it comes to style. The purpose of kilt pins is actually used as an added weight to keep the front skirt from blowing in the wind. The right way to wear a kilt pin is to place it near the bottom of the skirt hem (approx. 2 x 2 in.). It’s only supposed to be pinned through the outer layer, not through both skirt layers. Although it’s quite technical, don’t let the specifics get you too flustered. Nowadays, it’s OK to play around with modern kilt pins for style purposes.

Kilt knives are also referred to as “sgian-dubh” in Scottish terms. Originally they were used for practical, everyday uses to peel and cut foods. It’s usually tucked into kilt hose (knee-high socks) on your dominant side. In Scotland, these knives are only legal when worn with traditional dress. So you might want to skip this accessory if you want to avoid legalities.

4.     Kilt Hose (Socks)

Often times men wear kilt hose with kilts, not just any pair of socks by Fruit of the Loom. Kilt hose is basically knee-high socks that’s worn with the top cuff folded right under the knee. The most common design is the off-white color made in wool. Along with kilt hose, men usually pair these socks with ghillie brogues, which are a customary style of footwear worn with kilts.

If you’re wearing a more modern kilt, it’s not necessary to wear kilt hose. It’s really up to the wearer’s discretion which socks and shoes to pair with kilts, especially if it’s a utility kilt.

5.     Kilt Hats

There are two typical types of kilt hats: the Balmoraland the Glengarry. The balmoral looks more like an accessorized French beret with its flat top, commonly seen with ribbons on the back and a large ball on top. On the contrary, a glengarry looks more like a military-style cap with two pointed, folded sides that sit up high on the head.

For a more modern look, don’t be afraid to think outside the box with kilt hats. Some guys are pairing their utility kilts with urban snapbacks and baseball caps. It really depends on what style you’re going for.


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