The Best Places to Find Men in Kilts in the U.S.

Unfortunately, when it’s not St. Patrick’s Day or a Scottish wedding, it’s still not as easy to spot men in kilts in the U.S. It’s not really because men don’t like wearing them. A lot of men actually like how they feel in kilts. They’re freeing, lightweight, and airy. So, what’s the issue? Honestly, we’re still scratching our heads too. The truth is, kilts just aren’t as saturated in American culture like they are in Scotland or Ireland. Most people born in the U.S. were simply raised wearing pants – and only pants.

If you’re a guy that wants to share your love for kilts with other like-minded men, we found some spots where you’ll always find men wearing kilts. From getting your beer fix to running a 5K, here are the best places in America to find some friendly, kilted lads.

1.     Restaurants: The Tilted Kilt

The Tilted Kilt is basically a Celtic-inspired breastaurant similar to Hooters. Although they’re much more popular for their good-looking female waitresses, you probably didn’t even realize that the male waiters are required to wear kilts too. With plenty of locations across the east and west coast (including Canada!), this is one of the few U.S. restaurants that serve craft beers and classic pub fare all by men in kilts.

2.    Businesses: Men in Kilts

You can actually get your windows washed, gutters cleaned, and snow plowed by servicemen wearing kilts. Like the name suggests, Men in Kilts is a cleaning franchise where professional technicians offer a variety of work and home improvement services. From house washing to pressure washing, these are the kilted men you can count on to get your dirty housework done. They currently have more locations in Canada than the U.S. so unless you live in Massachusetts or Michigan; you’re out of luck.

3.    Festivals: Renaissance Fairs

Although this is a seasonal, costume-driven event, renaissance fairs are one of the most popular outdoor events where men attend dressed in kilts. There are a ton of renaissance-themed activities, including games, rides, food & drinks, marketplaces, shows, and more! There’s an old-timey event that happens in almost every state across the U.S. In order to find out when the next renaissance fair is happening near you, just check online for specific dates. Everyone will be in costume so don’t be shy to rock that kilt!

4.    Sports: Kilt Runs

You can actually run a marathon (or less) in a kilt. While some kilt runs occur only during holiday seasons, like St. Patrick’s Day, there are other off-season events as well to raise money for charity. Most kilt runs vary in length from a 5K to half marathon so you don’t need to be a pro runner in order to sign up for one of these. Most of it is about having a good time and meeting men in kilts that love running and staying active as much as you do. If you’re curious to find out if there’s a kilt run near you, you can check out your state’s online annual events for dates and times.


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